Contact information
Customer service
Tel. 09 310 88610
Mon–Thu 10.00–16.00, Friday closed
- Mon–Thu 10.00–16.00, Friday closed
- closed on bank holiday eves
Customer service provides general guidance on courses, lectures and events at the Centre.
You can also use customer service to:
- register for courses
- prove your eligibility for discounts
- cancel your enrolment in a course
- ask questions about course fees and billing
- request a certificate of completion for a course
Do you need help choosing a course? Are you wondering what course level is right for you or unsure about what equipment you need?
Our staff will help you with course selection and all matters related to course content and studies. You can contact student guidance before registering and during the semester.
- Opistotalo main building – Helsinginkatu 26, 2nd floor
- Cultural Centre Malmitalo – Ala-Malmin tori 1 B
- Maunula-house – Metsäpurontie 4
- Cultural Centre Stoa – Turunlinnantie 1
Opistotalo: opistoisanta.opistotalo(at)
Maunulatalo: opistoisanta.maunulatalo(at)
Malmitalo: opistoisanta.malmitalo(at)
Itäkeskus, Stoa: opistoisanta.stoa(at)
Itämerentalo: opistoisanta.itamerentalo(at)
Kanneltalo: kanneltalo.vahtimestarit(at)
The email addresses for the staff at the Adult Education Centre are unless otherwise indicated.
When necessary, the teachers in each subject area will provide study guidance to those interested. Don’t hesitate to contact us!
Ville Ylikahri, Principal, 09 310 88501, 050 552 3674,
Anne Rasskasov, Vice Principal, 09 310 25448, 040 631 9790,
Education Managers
Sirkku Ikonen, 09 310 88561, People, Society & Culture; Nature; Environment; Marine Navigation; and Languages
Jonna Martikainen, 09 310 88581, Physical Education, Health and Well-Being; Cooking and Home Economics; Handicrafts; and Information Technology
Emmi Komlosi, 09 310 80210, Literature, Drama and Native Language; Arts; Media; and Music
Osallisuus ja ilmiöpohjainen oppiminen Participation and phenomenon-based learning
Ida Backer, Education Planner, 09 310 88601
Office services
Tuula Olin, Office Administrator, 09 310 88533
Ilkka Pietilä, Service Manager, 09 310 88560
Pia Castrén-Aaltonen, Team Leader, 09 310 88593
Ida Backer, suunnittelijaopettaja, 09 310 27231
Tuula Wright, Team Leader, 09 310 88677, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Vietnamese, Sign language
Anja Odell, 09 310 88598, English, German, Russian
Kalle Ahtola, 09 310 88661, Spanish, Portuguese, Sámi, German, Estonian
Kati Collin, 09 310 88611, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian
Pirkko Niemi, 09 310 88640, Italian, French, Swedish, Russian
Merja Niemistö-Kuronen, 09 310 88635, English, German
Maria Riihelä, 09 310 88633, Arabic, Bulgarian, Hindi, Japanese, Greek, Korean, Latin, Polish, Serbian, Turkish
Sari Hannula, Team Leader, 09 310 88577, Physical Education and Dance
Juho Mikkola, 09 310 88586, Physical Education
Hanna Mahlio, 09 310 76320, Well-being and Health
Tiina Lehtonen, Team Leader, 09 310 88675, Opistotalo main building, Cultural Centre Stoa
Anni Ritala, 09 310 76320, Special Groups and Well-being
Jouko Sirenius, 09 310 88655, Cultural Centre Malmitalo, Cultural Centre Kanneltalo
Tiina Mikkelä, Team Leader, 09 310 88592, Opistotalo main building, Cultural Centre Stoa
Outi Honkimaa, 09 310 88613, Textile Work, Itämerentalo teaching facilities, Cultural Centre Kanneltalo
Leena Karhu, 09 310 80882, Textile Work, Cultutal Centre Malmitalo, Pohjois-Haaga
Tatu Kotilainen, 09 310 88568, Technical Work
Tupu Mentu, 09 310 88673, Textile Work, Cultutal Centre Vuotalo, Herttoniemi Silkkikutomo building
Kirsti Soukka, 09 310 88636, Textile Work, Maunula House, Oulunkylä House teaching facilities, Koneneulomo teaching facilities
Päivi Tiitinen, 09 310 88666, Weaving
Juhana Mykrä, Team Leader, 09 310 88637
Galina Hanina, 09 310 88693
Marjaana Lindqvist, 09 310 88616
Ulla Tarvainen, Team Leader, Theatre, 09 310 88648
Päivi Hytönen, 09 310 88667,, Native Language; Literature; Composition
Katri Sola, 09 310 40060, Literature
Ville Pellikka, Team Leader, 09 310 88566, Opistotalo main building, Oulunkylätalo teaching facilities, Ressu Comprehensive School
Mervi Karhunen, 09 310 88612, Itämerentalo teaching facilities, Töölö Service Centre
Anu Kauhaniemi, 09 310 80884, Malmitalo, Oulunkylätalo teaching facilities, Maunula Primary School
Mikko Kettunen, tel: 09 310 88595, art, media
Reetta Neittaanmäki, 09 310 88690, art, media
Ari Myllymäki, 09 310 88623, Cultural Centre Kanneltalo, Pohjois-Haaga, Meilahti Primary Shcool, Pitäjänmäki Lower Secondary School and Munkkiniemi and Riistavuori Service Centres
Veera Saari, 09 310 21931, Cultural Centre Stoa, Vesala Comprehensive School
Satu Luomajoki, Team Leader, 09 310 88656, Singing Lessons; Choirs and Vocal Ensembles; Group Singing
Vepsäläinen Katja, 09 320 36652, Orchestras; Instrumental Ensembles and Bands; Lectures; Music Theory: Theory and Ear Training
Eeva Lauttamus-Lindberg, 09 310 88615, Piano and Improvised Piano Accompaniment Instruction; Family and Senior Courses
Elisa Tan, 09 310 88594, Instrumental Instruction; Music Technology
Anne Rasskasov, Vice Principle, 09 310 25448
Finnish as a Second Language; Literacy and Writing Education
Annika Vesanto, Team Leader, 09 310 80885, Cultural Centre Malmitalo
Aili Mehiläinen, Finnish as a Second Language, 09 310 88676, Cultural Centre Stoa
Mikko Ekqvist, Finnish as a Second Language, 09 310 39677, Cultural Centre Stoa
Laura Vesti, Finnish as a Second Language, 09 310 21296, Opistotalo main building
Tiina Hentilä, Finnish as a Second Language, 09 310 39678, Cultural Centre Stoa
Terhi Kivikoski, Literacy and Writing Education, 09 310 26051, Opistotalo main building
Sini Leppäaho, Literacy and Writing Education, 09 310 35320, Cultural Centre Malmitalo
Kotiva-training and Social Skills Groups
Katja Kauti-Karakus , Team Leader, 09 310 20253, Cultural Centre Stoa
Mina Al-Shaibane, Arabic and English-speaking Groups, 09 310 20299, Cultural Centre Stoa
Varpu Heikkilä, 09 310 27177, Cultural Centre Stoa
Hamdi Moalim, Somali-speaking Groups, 09 310 83248, Cultural Centre Stoa
Heidi Saaristo, 09 310 27093, Cultural Centre Stoa
Ekaterina Vlasova, Russian and English-speaking groups, 09 310 41864, Cultural Centre Stoa
OSAAVA project
Elina Mäkilä, 09 310 33546, Opistotalo
Sari Antikainen, Librarian, 09 310 88590
Susanna Tiainen, Library Assistant, 040 718 6983
Communications Services
Ulla Kantanen, Marketing Planner, 09 310 31578
Rykovskaya Lolita, Marketing Planner, 09 310 34615
Participation and phenomenon-based learning
Katariina Kaarlela, Education Planner, 09 310 24621